Curriculum Leader: Mr J Campbell
At A Level, the Government & Politics and Sociology Department aims to create a community of active learners equipped to understand and engage with current affairs and contemporary societal matters. We focus on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and leadership qualities to empower students to make positive contributions to politics and society. Through the CCEA and WJEC academic curriculum, we aim to enhance students’ communication skills, both written and oral, preparing them to effectively communicate in diverse situations. We promote enrichment activities, such as debating, to stimulate intellectual growth and expression. Our aim is to nurture compassionate individuals who value empathy and inclusivity. By deepening students’ understanding of the wider world, we aim to prepare them to tackle contemporary challenges and be ready to contribute positively to meaningful change. Ultimately, we aim for our pupils to emerge as well-rounded, socially conscious individuals ready to succeed in the world of work and make a positive impact on society.
WJEC GCE Sociology Specification and summary
The AS is the first part of the full A-level course and accounts for 40% of the A-level. The full A-level comprises the AS and the A2 part of the A-level course. The AS can be taken as a ‘stand-alone’ qualification without progression to a full A-level.
AS 1- Acquiring Culture and Families (37.5% of and 15% of A-level) – this unit focuses on how are we socialised into society through families, the media and education. The changing patterns of marriage, cohabitation, childbearing, does the family unit discriminate against women? The changing nature of childhood.
AS 2 – Education and Research Methods (62.5% of and 25% of A-level) – this unit focuses on how we conduct sociological research and what factors impact on our research methods. Investigating the purpose of education – rewarding achievement or control? Why is there a difference in achievement – boys versus girls, working class and middle class and between different ethnic groups? The impact of government policies such as selection.
A2 1- Power and Control (25% of A-level) – this unit focuses on crime and the causes of crime. Do certain groups commit more crime than others? Including different genders, age groups, working or middle class, differences between ethnic groups. This unit may include the media and crime, green crime, human rights and state crimes.
A2 2 – Social Inequality and Applied Methods of Sociological Inquiry (35% of A Level) – this unit focuses on designing a sociological inquiry and exploring and evaluating the reasons for inequality in society.
Independent Learning Opportunities
Independent learning opportunities include, the reading of academic books and journals (including a Departmental Library), watching documentaries and listening to podcasts, and the critical analysis of media, including newspapers.
Transferable Skills
Transferable skills include those of organisation, communication (written and oral), argumentative, research, managing information, working with others etc. Social Sciences provide skills that all employers demand; it is not the degree you study but the skills that they provide which is important.
Career Opportunities
These subjects offer the development of many transferrable skills valuable to all careers but is most specifically useful in the fields of Law, the Media, Politics, Journalism, Policing, Youth Work, Advertising/PR, Business, the Charity Sector, International Development, Teaching, Social Work and Psychology.