Hour of Code 2015

We live in a world surrounded by technology and we know that whatever field our pupils choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and fewer students are studying it than a decade ago. This is why Bloomfield Collegiate is passionate about programming and, for the 3rd consecutive year, took part in the largest learning event in history – The Hour of Code.

Hour of Code

On Wednesday 9th December, 100 Year 8 pupils were allowed to work in the Learning Centre to expand their programming skills. During this day all Year 13 and 14 pupils who were studying Software Systems met with Laura Totten from AMT-Sybex to hear about working in the IT industry and to try out their programming skills on some handheld devices.

A few weeks later all of the Year 12 pupils took part in a Java programming road show and loved it. Maybe we have the next Mark Zuckerbergh in Bloomfield Collegiate.

Mrs J Wharry


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