School Trips

Madonna Di Campiglio Ski Trip

pupils skiing

Despite the early start there was great excitement when the 109 pupils met on the Upper Newtownards Road in the early hours of Saturday 14th December. The sensible ones amongst us grabbed a snooze on the bus to Dublin airport in preparation for the long journey that would eventually see us arriving in Madonna Di Campiglio nearly fifteen hours later. After unloading and getting skis and boots fitted, an early night was on the cards in preparation for the first day on the slopes.

Day 1

The sun was shining, although the early start was a shock for some, and it took some pupils longer than others to get going. With excellent conditions, it wasn’t long before the intermediate and advanced groups were swooshing down the slopes under the expert guidance of the local instructors. The beginner groups made excellent progress with lots of laughter and stories to be told at the end of lessons. A much-anticipated trip to the supermarket and a relaxing evening was on the cards to allow for rest and recovery, ready for another day.

Days 2-5

Lots of improvements to ski techniques and more exploring of the beautiful Madonna slopes ensured that there were plenty of smiles on the faces of pupils as they trekked back up the hill to deposit their skis and boots. Highlights included a trip to the village for some shopping and hot chocolate, a very competitive quiz night, an enjoyable trip to a local pizzeria and a snow shoeing hike in heavy snow. Unfortunately, the weather put paid to a trip to the swimming pool, but the snow shoeing made up for it.

Day 6 Our final day of skiing and the highlight of the week was stopping part way down the slopes for a hot chocolate before finishing off with a ski school presentation. A last-minute trip into the village to pick up souvenirs was squeezed in before suitcases were packed in preparation for our departure.

Once again, an early start was necessary as we hit the snow-covered roads back down the mountain in convoy. After a lost coach, an almost missed flight, and a very quiet final bus leg, we finally arrived back to Belfast late on Saturday 21st December. After a wonderful week in the beautiful Italian Dolomites, we were more than delighted to deliver 109 pupils back to their parents for a much-needed rest.

This trip would not happen without the support of the staff, and I would like to thank Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs Greer, Miss Ritchie, Mr Irvine, Miss Murray, Mr Turner, Miss Reid, Miss Watterson, Ms Brown and Mrs McCaughan for their hard work and giving up their time. Mrs C Mills


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