Pastoral Care

Junior Pastoral Care

pupils smiling

Year 9

The Year 9 Personal Development programme builds upon work done in Year 8. Pupils continue to work towards achieving personal potential, becoming more confident and independent, and making informed choices and decisions. The girls are encouraged to reflect upon their skills and qualities within the context of employability.

The topics covered include:

  • friendship;
  • feelings and emotions;
  • anti-bullying;
  • managing influences and making decisions;
  • managing change;
  • health and the whole person;
  • safety and managing risk;
  • self-esteem;
  • relationships and sexuality;
  • morals, beliefs and values;
  • stress management;
  • money matters;
  • exam preparation.

Year 10

Year 10 is a particularly important year as it is the time when GCSE subject decisions are taken. Therefore, throughout this year, emphasis is placed upon the provision of Careers information and guidance; each pupil receives an individual Careers interview. In addition, during the first term, pupils will think about the ways in which decisions that they make can impact upon health and well-being including, for example, exploration of the ways in which alcohol and drug use may affect long and short term physical health, and financial well-being. Later, the pupils are encouraged to look outwards and to think of others through research relating to charitable organisations and donations to a local food bank.


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