Music and Drama

KIC Drama

Once again, Bloomfield pupils have benefited enormously from their associations with KIC, (Kids In Control).

Under the directorship of artistic director David Calvert, Year 10 and Year 11 pupils were given the opportunity to sample what KIC is all about.  Not only does participation in the taster workshops more than fulfil the assessment criteria for GCSE Speaking and Listening, it also helps to foster confidence in the girls as they work with David making decisions and performing improvisations.  In addition, if any of the girls choose to further their associations with KIC, they have the opportunity to work with pupils from other schools, many of whom have learning difficulties.

This year, working with a drama group from Manorhamilton, several girls from Bloomfield joined KIC’s core group to explore and question the meaning of political borders while others had the opportunity to work towards performance in the New Lyric Theatre.  KIC’s most recent production “Vroom! Vroom!” included Sarah C, Ellie C, Rachel D and Jordan M, all Year 11 pupils.  Working with pupils from Park School, they performed in the Lyric to much acclaim.

June brings David and his assistant Jade back to Bloomfield to afford the opportunity to up and coming pupils.


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