We collected our robes and walked to St. Columba’s where our annual carol service normally takes place. It was great to be back at the parish church and enjoy the experience of standing with the choir again after the terrible disruption we have all endured.
We started rehearsing for our service back in September. Social distancing practices were always followed – there was no messing about once Mrs Stevenson got her tape measure out.
Although there was no congregation, we still had to record the visuals for the video under strict limitations, resorting to lip-syncing. We had recorded our singing in the music department using professional equipment. Once the junior choir recorded their part, chamber choir recorded in their sections. Now it was a joy to hear the music echo through the church.
Once we got the footage we needed, we made our way back to school and eagerly waited to see the final video. After a surreal year, we hope this video brings you happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming new year.
Sarah E and Fiona MacI