
Ski Trips

Ski Trip

February 2016 brought a week of fun, enjoyable skiing for 30 girls who were accompanied by Mrs Greer, Mrs Burch, Mrs Mills and Miss Alexander. With four groups and great skiing instructors, we all had fun and the teachers enjoying it just as much as the girls.

Skiing took place every morning after breakfast; we walked for about ten minutes to the slopes and then into ski hire to get our boots on and pick up our skis. We then split into our groups with the instructors and had fun on the slopes for a couple hours. The best part, of course, was travelling to the top, where we could see the tops of other mountains while we rode up on the scary lift and admired the beautiful views. Sometimes it was so foggy at the top that we couldn’t see very far in front of us; sometimes it was so cold that we couldn’t get our balaclavas up over our noses quick enough.

After the morning session, we all walked together to a cozy restaurant where we had pizza or pasta for lunch which filled us up and left us warm until we got back outside. Once we were kitted up again, we completed our afternoon session. It was amazing!

The hotel was lovely, filled with cozy beds, warm showers and great food. Ice skating was our activity on the third night and it was as enjoyable as the skiing, even if some people came back with bruised knees and shins and sore muscles but we also had smiles on our faces. Some of us went swimming.

The town close to our hotel was magical, with ice cream being a favourite snack despite the cold weather and souvenirs purchased for family back at home. Surrounded by amazing people and a happy atmosphere, I know I had an amazing time that I will not forget. I was sad when it ended. I would like to thank all the teachers who accompanied us and the school who made this possible.

Leah Moulds Year 11


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