
Scripture Union

BCS Scripture Union


Senior SU takes place on a Thursday afternoon from 3.30pm. All girls in Year 11-14 are very welcome to come along to join in the fun, fellowship and laughter. It provides a great opportunity to meet new friends and learn more about God. You do not have to be a Christian to attend SU.

We are holding an SU weekend at the end of November, a mission week, and joint meetings with Junior SU, socials and much more.

Please feel free to get in touch with any member of the Committee.

Scripture Union Report 2018

Over the past year we have covered a lot of teaching, including a discipleship series, how to read the bible, Christmas, anxiety and depression and relationships. In addition to leading SU meetings ourselves, we have also enjoyed talks from a number of outside speakers including Lyndsey Myles from SU NI and Rachel Jackson, Youth and Family Ministry worker in Belmont Presbyterian Church.

The highlight of the year was the annual S.U. weekend with a focus on our identity in Christ and His love for us, from which there was not one girl who didn’t take the amazing truth of God’s love for us away from the weekend. With campfire worship, murder mystery and capture the flag games and prayer walks packed into each day, it is a weekend that will be in each of our hearts and memories for many years to come as we remember being filled with God’s love and a constant family atmosphere.

We have also had the pleasure of hosting Unite Live Lounge at Bloomfield this year with teaching, food and friends, which Strathearn, Grosvenor and Campbell College came along to.

In both Senior and Junior S.U. we held the Alpha Youth Series, making sure our girls had a solid foundation for their faiths for the rest of their lives and it also allowed them to ask more questions about Christianity and made it easier to invite their friends along.

Something so unique about Scripture Union in Bloomfield is how much of a family we all are and how different ages don’t matter there as we are all so close and don’t just stick with our own years, which is something the new committee hope to bring into the new year, which we are all very excited about. We are all so thankful to God for S.U. this past year and we look forward to this coming year.

Caroline D (Year 13)

Scripture Union Report 2017

In Scripture Union we chose to look at the theme of Women in the Bible during our weekly meetings. We thought this would be an interesting topic to look at since, being an all-girls school, we wanted to see the impact that other women have made on the lives of others. Throughout the year we looked at several different women such as Mary, Jesus’ mother, Ruth, Sarah, Esther, the Woman at the Well and many more, starting off with Abigail on the SU weekend in November. Through this theme, we learned about the challenges some of these women faced and how they overcame them as well as the difference they made to the lives of others.

It has been another great year for SU, as we have seen many new faces turning up to Junior SU at lunchtime and to Senior SU after school on Wednesdays. It is always encouraging to see people inviting their friends along to join in and see what SU is all about.

We introduced a new weekly testimonies event this year which took place on Friday at lunchtime. This was open to the whole school and allowed the SU girls to share their stories with those who do not necessarily attend SU. It proved to be very successful, as many girls who do not go to SU came, curious to see why these girls had put their faith in God and wanting to know more! As an SU Committee, we have been so blessed and are grateful to be given the opportunity to develop friendships with these girls. Through these weekly testimonies, it was amazing to see how SU has made such an impact on their journey with Christ.

Throughout the year we have also had some guest speakers coming in to share with us about their work and their experiences. A regular visitor to Bloomfield is our school’s SUNI worker, Lyndsey Miles, who is always willing to come and share with us and offer support and guidance. Other guest speakers we’ve had this year include LMI (Logos Ministries International) and Hannah Douglas from Tearfund.

In February, we hosted our Live Lounge event, to promote SUNI’s Unite and, inspired by what Hannah had told us, to raise money for Tearfund. Schools from across East Belfast were invited, including Grosvenor Grammar and Strathearn, allowing pupils from the different schools to get to know each other, enjoy some food together, listen to live music performed by fellow pupils and to hear about what was going on in each SU. Hannah gave a short talk on Tearfund’s work with families across Africa and the impact they are making on so many people’s lives. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we raised £170 for Tearfund.

Our SU weekend this year took place in Lorne Estate, Cultra. We kicked off the weekend with a session from our speaker, Lyndsey Miles, sharing about the story of Abigail (of course using the characters of Beauty and the Beast to help illustrate it). Following this, we had a movie night and then headed to bed, ready for the packed days to come. On the Saturday, we did lots of activities, including a game of Hide and Seek, where everyone had to walk around in groups on the hunt for committee members and teachers dressed up in ridiculous costumes, and then later, everyone got rather competitive during our gameshow, testing knowledge on random facts and useless information. On the final day, we all tidied up and said our goodbyes before heading home, exhausted after a busy weekend. A lot of planning comes along with the SU weekend and couldn’t happen without the help of Mr Irvine, Mrs Stewart and Miss Crawford.

In March, many girls from both Junior and Senior SU attended Unite, an event held by SUNI for SU groups across the whole of NI. This was a great night, with hundreds of young people worshipping God together. It was encouraging to hear people’s testimonies and to be given the opportunity to “Unite in Jesus so people will know God!”

Stephanie Hinds & Sara Ard Year 14


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