External Examinations

Collecting Your Results

Curran building

Results Day

On results day, we provide candidates a Provisional Statement of Results with assessment units you have taken and the marks you have scored. If you have completely finished a course and you are receiving a certificate, you will also see the final grade.

We will also give you slips from each examination board which might have more details about your raw marks and/or how your grade was awarded.

A Level Results Day

Students can collect a printed copy of the examination results in school on Thursday, 15th August from 8:30am in the assembly hall.

You can also use your PIN number to access CCEA’s Results Online service. The link to app is located at the bottom of the PIN number page.

GCSE Results Day

For the summer 2023 series, you can collect a printed copy of your examination results in school on Thursday, 22nd August from 8:30am in the assembly hall.


Senior Leaders and members of the careers team will be in school on the results day to help you understand your provisional statement of results and offer advice about clearing and requesting a re-mark of your papers.


The Examination Boards issue certificates well after the exams have taken place (usually at the end of November for summer exams).


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