External Examinations

Late Arrival and Missed Components

pupils in class


Your “official” timetable includes information about the examination room, your seat number, and your specific start times. It is vital you go to your examination room 10 minutes before the start time so you can listen to the Chief Invigilator’s instructions, ensure you have the correct paper and stationery, and read the details on the front of the question paper.

Candidates are responsible for checking their own exam timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time, properly dressed and equipped. 

Morning sessions normally begin at 9:15am and afternoon sessions are scheduled to start at 1:30pm.

Remember, you are under formal examination conditions from the moment you enter the sports hall or the room in which you are taking your examinations.

If you are running late for an exam, you need to phone the school as soon as possible and let us know what is happening.

Telephone: 028 90 471214

Report to reception where you will be escorted to the exam venue by a member of staff.

Late Arrival

If you arrive in school after the start of the examination, you may be allowed to enter the examination room and sit the paper. You will be given the full time for the examination.

However, there may be some circumstances where you will not be allowed to sit the examination because the school has to ensure the integrity and security of the paper has not been compromised.

Very Late Arrival

“Very late arrivals” refers to candidates who arrive more than one hour after the published starting time or candidates who are late for examinations of less than one hour. For instance, if you arrive in school after 2:30pm for an afternoon session, you will be considered very late.

We will try to accommodate very late arrivals, but the awarding body may not accept your script and you will receive zero for that component.

First, please notify the school.

Parents/Carers will also be instructed to:

  • Immediately take away any internet-enabled devices.
  • If possible, avoid public transport and personally drive or escort the candidate from home to school.
  • Ensure the candidate is fully supervised as early as possible and preferably from the published starting time of the exam, until the candidate is handed over to a member of staff at the school reception.

The parent/carer should make a written note of what time the candidate is supervised from. Both the candidate and the parent/carer who has supervised them will be asked to sign a letter confirming that the above measures have been put in place. The parent/carer and the candidate will also be asked to provide a signed statement giving details of the time the candidate was supervised from and by whom, and the reason for his late arrival.

The school will consider each case on an individual basis to determine whether or not the security of the examination has been compromised and should the candidate be allowed to sit the examination.

When a candidate persistently arrives late for their exams, the exams officer will liaise with the Head of Year who will speak to the candidate and to the parents/carers to determine the reasons and to follow up accordingly.


Timetables are regulated by CCEA and the other awarding bodies, so you must sit your examinations in the sessions specified in your “official” timetable. You will not be able to sit a paper on another day.

However, if you miss an exam or assessment at the end of the course, for an acceptable reason, Bloomfield Collegiate School can apply to the awarding body for special consideration. If your application is successful, a grade will be provided based on the exam papers and/or the controlled assessments you completed.

You must meet certain thresholds to receive a grade, such as completed at least 40% of the assessments to obtain a grade in GCSE English Language.

Please note if you miss a component at the end of Year 11, for example, you will have an opportunity to take the exam in Year 12.


The regulations regarding late and very late arrivals are determined by JCQ and not the school.


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