External Examinations

The Exam Day

The Neill Buidling

Knowing what to expect on the day of your exam will enable you to focus on the question paper so you can fulfil your potential.

You will have received your “official” timetable which details your exact starting times, the duration of the paper and even your seat number in the exam room. This version of your timetable will also take account of any exam clashes. Keep the timetable somewhere safe. Take a screenshot. Share it with your parents. It is your responsibility to arrive in school on time and ready to succeed.

JCQ Instructions for Candidates


Students should attend examinations in full school uniform.


Make sure that you have all the correct equipment:

  • Pens should be black ink.
  • You must either use a transparent pencil case or clear plastic bag.
  • Water bottles must be transparent with the label removed.
  • Calculators when required but please remove the cover.

Only equipment required to complete the examination should be taken into the examination room. Candidates are not to bring mobile phones or other electrical devices such as iPods, AirPods, earphones, earbuds, wrist watches, MP3 players, reading pens or any other products with text or digital facilities into the examination room.

Bags and coats should be left in your lockers or the sixth from common room. Please also ensure that you have emptied your pockets of any loose notes. If you have unauthorised items in an examination, the school must forward a report to the Awarding Body. This may represent malpractice and lead to disqualification.

Please do not leave anything valuable in any of the changing rooms or around the Sports Hall.


Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time, properly dressed and equipped. Try to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start time of the examination and wait quietly outside the examination venue until you are invited to enter by the invigilators.

The seating plan is posted on the door so you can look for your table.

In the Exam Room

The main location for exams is the Sports Hall. However, please check your timetable to ensure you know where your exam is being held.

On entering the examination room, formal examination conditions will apply. This means no communication between candidates. Failure to comply to this regulation represents malpractice.

It is important that you sit in your allocated seat because not everyone will be sitting the same paper.

Candidate numbers are printed on desk cards on the top corner of your allocated desk.

The Centre Number is 71213 and is displayed on the boards at the front of room. You will also see the date, component code, start and end times. Clocks are on the walls to help you monitor your timekeeping.

Invigilators will ask you to check you have the correct question paper, including tier of entry, before the examination starts. If you think something is wrong, put your hand up and tell the invigilator immediately.

Read all instructions carefully. You will be given time to write your name and candidate number on your paper.

Do not open the question paper until instructed to do so.

The invigilation team are there to support you. If you need anything, raise your hand to attract their attention.

The school has a responsibility to provide the best environment for everyone to access the papers and fulfil their potential. Any activity that may distract, disturb or upset other candidates will not be tolerated. The Examinations Officer and Invigilators have the power to remove disruptive students.

If you feel ill during the exam session, please put your hand up and an invigilator will come to assist you.

Exam Regulations


The invigilators are very experienced in exams procedures. They are in the examination rooms to supervise the conduct of the examinations. They will distribute and collect the examination papers, tell candidates when to start and finish the examination, hand out extra writing paper if required and escort candidates if you need to leave the hall.

If you have any concerns during the examinations, do not hesitate to highlight them to the invigilators. If you need extra paper, raise your hand and they will provide the appropriate booklet.

Invigilators cannot discuss the examination paper with you or explain the questions. They will simply instruct you to read the questions/instructions again.

Listen carefully to any instructions and notices read out by the invigilators – there may be amendments to the examination paper that you need to know about.

You must not leave the examination hall during an examination without being accompanied by an invigilator. If you do, you will not be permitted to return.

End of Exam

You must stay seated and silent until the invigilators have collected all the exam papers. Remember, you are still under examination conditions until you have left the room and any communication between candidates will be viewed as malpractice.

Leave the exam quickly and quietly because there may be other students still sitting an exam. Please show respect for your peers.

Late Arrivals

If you are unable to attend an examination session, you must phone the school. For more information, please read our guide to late arrivals and missed components.

Telephone: 028 90 471214


If the fire alarm sounds during an examination, the invigilators will tell you what to do. Don’t panic. If you have to evacuate the room, you will be asked to leave in silence and in the order in which you are sitting. You will be escorted to the designated assembly point in the back carpark. Leave everything on your desk. You must not attempt to communicate with anyone else during the evacuation. When you return to the examination room, do not start writing until the invigilator tells you to. You will be allowed the full working time for the examination and a report will be sent to the Awarding Body detailing the incident.


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