
Children In Need 2013

The Children in Need spirit came to Bloomfield on Friday 15th November. Unbeknown to the pupils assembly had taken a surprise twist!!!

Staff embraced the theme of” pyjamas” and paraded through the Assembly Hall to a compilation of music created by the House Captains. There were giraffes, monsters inc, Santa and a fine array of onesies. Dr. Hudson kindly agreed to dress up as Pudsey Bear, the tallest one ever.

An extra special surprise was the TV cameras from the BBC. We made the TV on both Friday and Saturday night. Mrs Barrett and some Sixth Formers attended a special reception at the BBC and had Pudsey bear painted onto their faces.

The canteen made and sold Pudsey Bear cookies and this added to our total.

Thank you to everyone who got involved and raised such a substantial amount of money.


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