AchievementsArt in Bloomfield

True Colours Exhibition

Helen at the True Colours exhibition

I was very honoured to represent the school, alongside past pupil Betsy Bailey, at the CCEA annual True Colours Exhibition at the Ulster Museum. True Colours is comprised of the most exciting and promising work produced by CCEA candidates around Northern Ireland at GCSE, AS and A2 levels.

During the opening evening, there was a speech from guest speaker Alison Lowry, one of the local artists I had included in my own research, who encouraged us to go out into the world and create boldly. It was amazing to see my own AS textile installation and preparatory work and Betsy’s A2 portfolio curated alongside such a wide array of talent, and being able to experience my first public group show was an unforgettable experience. Above all, we were most proud to show off Bloomfield’s dedicated Art Department, without which we would not have had this opportunity.

Helen Maguire Year 14


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