I went to Seacourt Print Workshop along with pupils from my art class and had the opportunity to learn the process of intaglio instructed by the artist, Clinton Kirkpatrick. He showed us the methods of applying the ink to the plate and putting it through the press so that the image transferred from the plate onto the paper. Clinton’s work was also on display and being able to see the techniques we were learning in a final product was very inspiring.
Fortunately, on 8th February I was able to go back to Seacourt and spend three day’s work experience. I was able to expand and develop more of my intaglio skills from the last month and also had the opportunity to learn new techniques such as salt etching and using the letter press. Having the opportunity to work alongside other artists in a creative environment was very inspiring and exciting and I was very proud of the work which I produced at the end of the three days.
Laura Boyd Year 13