
Bloomfield Collegiate News (10/11/22)

The Neill Buidling

Dear Parent/Guardian

I hope that you and your daughter had a restful Halloween break, despite the weather. We now have a six-week run-in to Christmas that will be full of festive distractions. Nevertheless, it is important that all pupils focus on ensuring classwork and homework are up to date, prior learning is being revisited and any gaps in learning are being back-filled.

Below are some points of important information which I would ask you to read carefully.

dates for your diary

Prize Day

Thanks to all who helped organise, attended and supported our Annual Prize Distribution in Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on Friday 28th October. A special thanks to Rev Dr Frank Sellar and Mr Gordon Kerr for their kind hospitality, and to the team of staff members who helped with photocopying, preparing prizes, catering, seating etc.

School Gateway.

It is encouraging to see that over 75% of pupils now have a parent registered for School Gateway. If you are yet to do so, please download the app or login online using the email address and mobile number we hold for you. It is our intention to begin communicating newsletters, achievements and behaviour incidents with home via the app before the end of this term.


In order to support our commitment to high standards of school uniform, we are introducing a new system for recording instances when a pupil’s uniform is not in accordance with the school’s uniform policy. Instead of infringements being recorded digitally, pupils will be given a uniform card which should be produced when requested by a member of staff should the pupil’s uniform not meet the required standards. This system will allow us to recognise and reward on a half-termly basis those pupils who consistently meet expectations and receive no signings.

Please be reminded of the following points regarding uniform:

  • Skirts should be of knee length and not rolled up;
  • A single ear piercing in the lower ear lobe, plain gold and silver studs only – no other jewellery is permitted;
  • Blazers must be worn at all times;
  • Games kit is only to be worn on days when a pupil has PE or Games;
  • Nail varnish and false nails are not permitted;
  • No make up for pupils in years 8-10 and subtle make up in years 11-14 – false eyelashes are not permitted;
  • School coats are only to be worn to and from school, and should be placed in lockers on arrival.

Pupil News

Congratulations to Darcey Newell, Year 8, who, on Saturday 5th November, became Ulster Weightlifting Champion in her category and then on Sunday 6th November became Ireland National Level 5 Tumbling Champion. What an all-rounder!

Well-done also to Jemma Adams, Year 11, who was swimming in the Ulster Short Course Gala last weekend. Jemma placed first in the Age 14 Category in the 50m, 100m and 200m breast stroke events.

In what was a busy weekend of sporting excellence, Emily Flynn, Year 13, was runner-up in the Women’s Band 2 event at the prestigious Preston Grand Prix table Tennis event in England.

Congratulations to all.

Thank you, as always, for your continuing support for all aspects of school life.

principal's signature

Mr Greer


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