
School News (08/09/23)

Weir Building

Dear Parent/Guardian

This is the first newsletter to be received by our new Year 8 parents and guardians; welcome to Bloomfield!

The theme for our assemblies over the next few weeks is New Beginnings. This week, I am encouraging pupils to see each new day as the most important of their lives. While our pupils make career plans and look ahead to exams, if every day is lived with them trying to be the best student, friend, daughter that they can on that day, then there is no need to be anxious; the future will look after itself. We all look forward to an exceptional year with an exceptional group of pupils.

There are a few things here for your attention.

Positive Behaviour Update

As part of our ongoing effort to inform parents of their child’s learning and contribution to school life, we will continue this year to use the School Gateway app.

At the start of the school year, each department will share their expectations for pupil behaviour and how they can obtain achievement points in that subject. Parents will receive a notification in the School Gateway app when their child has been awarded an achievement point by a member of staff.

Should a pupil not meet the expectations set by a department, for example by not meeting a homework deadline or not bringing the correct books and equipment to class, they will receive a behaviour point. Parents will receive a notification in the School Gateway app when this has occurred. We would ask that you discuss this with your child, ensure that they complete the homework and submit it to the teacher for the next lesson.

Achievements alongside academic success, such as volunteering, acts of kindness and sporting representation, will be recognised at assemblies throughout the year. We look forward to the first of these celebration assemblies at the end of this half term.

Sports Update

Please remember that pupils come to school in their school uniform on the days they have a PE class and will have time to get changed before and after the lesson. On the day pupils have Games, they can wear PE kit to/from school. Pupils should come to school in school uniform and get changed at the end of the day for extra-curricular clubs.

Our Hockey teams use the SPOND app for communication. SPOND codes are as follows:

  • U13 (Year 9) OJJWL
  • U14 (Year 10) GXGHH
  • Senior (Years 11-14) GKRHJ

Please note that for PE, Games and all sporting activities, all jewellery must be removed and hair tied back. Also, all hockey players must wear mouth guards and shin pads for all practice sessions and matches.

A space has become available on the 2023 Ski Trip to Italy for pupils currently in Years 12-14. For further information, please email

Opening Hours for School

Pupils should not be on site before 8 am. If arriving to school between 8 am and 8.30 am, pupils should stay in the canteen. Registration begins at 8.45 am. All pupils should be off site by 4.30 pm in the afternoon except when engaged in a supervised school activity.

Dietary Requirements

If your child has any special dietary requirements as outlined in the guidance which can be found by following the link below, the appropriate form should be completed and returned to school as soon as possible. Copies can also be obtained from Mrs Susan Johnston ( . Please note that this is a different email address to that issued in August.


I can highly recommend our school canteen, both for taste and value. As this is a cashless system, it is essential that pupils have enough money in their accounts to enable them to purchase food; there is no facility to give credit. You can check your child’s spending via Parent Pay.

Driving to School

Anyone who has tried to get through our front gates at 8.40 am or 3.15 pm will know that Astoria Gardens can be like the chariot scene from Ben Hur. I would strongly recommend that, if collecting a child, you park some distance from the school and walk to meet them or have them walk to you. Please be mindful of our neighbours when parking near gateways etc. Also, only visitors or parents calling to reception should have cars on site; for the strongest reasons of safety, our grounds should not be used for U turns.


We are currently recruiting Classroom Assistants, Lunch-time Assistants and a temporary part-time 6th Form Study Supervisor. Should you or someone you know be interested in a role in Bloomfield, please contact our HR Manager, Jill Hearst.

Hoping you get an opportunity to enjoy the fine weather this weekend.

Kind regards

principal's signature

Mr Greer


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