
Letter to Parents (24/09/21)

Weir Building

Dear Parent/Guardian

COVID-19 Track and Trace

You will, no doubt, be aware that there has been a change in protocol for Track and Trace to identify the close contacts of a school pupil who tests positive for COVID-19. The responsibility for contacting close contacts has moved to Public Health Agency itself.

However, I must inform you that we are regularly being notified of pupils who have tested positive from a range of year groups. The letter from PHA (see below) outlines what happens in the event of a positive case. Please be assured that we continue to take all precautions and are ready to assist PHA should the need arise.

School Sport

As we restart school sports, please be aware that the key method of communication for hockey is now via SPOND, which can be used online ( or by downloading the app. Parents/guardians can be added to their daughter’s account easily via the app should they wish. All team sheets, fixtures, cancellations and notices will be made via SPOND. Pupils must accept or decline attendance and selection ASAP; this can be changed if something comes up last minute. Seniors will already have signed up. Code for U14s is ACEEV and, for U13s, LALBV.

It is hoped to roll out the use of SPOND to more teams as they restart.

Currently, training sessions for school sports are as follows:

MondayYear 9 hockey2.10pm-4.30pm @ Civil Service
 Year 8 football3.20pm-4.30pm @ Sports Hall
TuesdayInter/Senior netball3.30pm-4.30pm @ Sports Hall (starting 28th Sept)
WednesdaySenior hockey2.10pm-4.30pm @ Civil Service
 Year 10 netball3.20pm-4.30pm @ Sports Hall (starting 29th Sept)
ThursdayYear 10 hockey2.10pm-4.30pm @ Civil Service
 Year 9 netball3.20pm-4.30pm @ Sports Hall
 Athletics club3.20pm-4.30pm @ Sports Hall
 Running club3.20pm-4.00pm @ Sports Hall
FridayYear 8 hockey2.10pm-4.15pm @ Civil Service
SaturdayHockey matchesAs arranged
 Year 8 netballTo be arranged

School PE and/or Games kit only should be worn.


As you know, it is compulsory for masks to be worn in class and in communal areas unless a parent/guardian notifies the school otherwise. It is important that pupils do not leave home without one; we would recommend that a spare be kept in the schoolbag. A mask should also be worn on buses to and from Games, and while waiting for public and school buses at local bus stops.


I have spoken to a number of year groups about our current focus on excellence. I have shared with senior pupils the need to be ambassadors in the public eye and role models for junior pupils. With that in mind, may I ask for your help in the following?

  • Blazers must be worn at all times unless exempt, wearing PE kit or with the permission of teacher in class;
  • Only official PE hoodies may be worn to and from school, and during the school day when appropriate. Other hoodies are not to be worn during the school day;
  • Fake nails, eyelashes and dyed hair must be removed/recoloured this weekend. All pupils have been informed repeatedly since the start of term, and have had time to book appointments to amend accordingly.

Contactless Cards

We have now introduced contactless cards in the canteen with a view to replacing all fingerprinting with them. It is important that pupils carry their cards at all times. Pupils who intend to use the canteen should always check that they have the card before leaving home in the morning.

Contacting School

If you have an issue, not COVID_19 or attendance related, which you need to inform school about, your first contact should normally be your daughter’s Form Teacher. Please contact him/her with issues. They will pass it on to Head of Year or Senior Leadership Team if required. Information regarding COVID-19 or attendance should be shared with Reception or as is current practice.

Thank You!

We rely on parental contributions to the School Fund to provide the quality of provision that your daughter deserves. Our priority this year remains replacing outdated interactive whiteboards and updating IT provision. Thanks to those of you who are already contributing to the School Fund. If you have not yet done so, I would strongly encourage you to please do through ParentPay.


We have areas of school life that need additional funding. If you, or the company you represent, would like to sponsor an element of school life, please contact my PA, Susan Johnston.

Take care

principal's signature

Mr Greer

G Greer


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