
Letter to Parents (21/06/21)

Dear Parent/Guardian

As we all too quickly approach the end of another academic year, I would ask for your support in a number of matters.


Written reports for Years 8-11 are being completed and will be posted in the last few days of term.

Mobile Phones

Pupils were informed this morning in registration that a mobile phone ban would be put in place for the remainder of the term. This includes use on site before school, in registration and in classroom activities. Phones may be used, under supervision, in some circumstances, e.g. when activities have been cancelled or from the First Aid room, but only when supervised. Phones which are seen will be sent to reception and can be collected at the end of the day. If this is repeated, a parent/guardian must collect the phone. Should a pupil need to contact you, she can still do so from reception.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, we have real concerns about mental health and the lack of ability to socialise due to too much screen time during lock down. It has been reported to me that there is absolute silence for 30 minutes on school buses as all girls are using mobile phones. That is replicated in many form rooms before the start of registration. I never thought that I would say it, but we need to get the girls talking again.

Secondly, every issue brought to our attention since the return to school has involved social media and the use of phones in school. I cannot count the hours my Heads of Year, Designated Teacher for Child Protection and I have spent investigating instances of inappropriate behaviour either instigated, or inflamed, by texting one another or contacting home before staff can deal with the issue; we have had enough to deal with this year. I trust that I can depend on your support in this.


I was shocked to hear from Miss Furphy that books worth a total of over £4000 remain unreturned to the library stock. Also, many Heads of Department are reporting similar gaps in texts needed to start the new school year. Pupils have been informed which books need returning; if lost, a decent second-hand copy from Amazon or Ebay would be an acceptable replacement.

Recycled Uniform Sales

We will be meeting our new Year 8s next week, and hope to run the first of a series of uniform sales. If you have any unwanted uniform, please feel free to donate it to school. Monies raised will be used directly for the benefit of our pupils.

End of Term

Many of our teachers have been unable to access their normal teaching rooms this year. Under normal circumstances, they would be clearing surfaces to allow for the usual summer deep clean. As this has not been able to happen, I am asking that pupils do not come to school on Wednesday 30th June. School will end for all at 3.20pm on Tuesday 29th June. If your child is in Years 8-10 and this causes childcare problems, please contact school reception and we will provide a facility until noon on Wednesday.

I will be in touch with you again before we finish properly.

Take care.

principal's signature

Mr Greer

Mr G Greer



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