
Letter to Parents (18/08/21)

Painting of Bloomfield

Dear Parent/Guardian

Welcome back!

July has been and gone, staff are back at school, results have been issued; it is as if we have never been away. I look forward to the return of pupils on a staggered basis next week and then back to some form of normality from the start of September. I particularly welcome our new Year 8 pupils who I had the opportunity to say hello to in June. It has been a very unusual year for them, and I hope that they quickly feel at home in Bloomfield.

Our schedule for the start of the new school year is below:

Friday 20th August: 9 am – 12 noon (Year 13 registration (Sports Hall) Uniform not required

Monday 23rd August: 9 am – 12 noon (Year 8 only – familiarisation and form time

Tuesday 24th August: 8.45 am – 12 noon (Year 8 only – timetable until noon

Wednesday 25th August: 9 am – 12 noon (Year 14 only – Form time P1, timetable from P2 until noon)

Thursday 26th August: 9 am – 12 noon (Year 12 only – Form time P1, timetable from P2 until noon)

Friday 27th August: 8.45 am – 12 noon (All pupils in school – timetable from P2 until noon)

Monday 30th August: Bank Holiday (School closed)

Tuesday 1st September: 8.45 am – 12 noon (All pupils in school – timetable until noon)

Wednesday 1st September: 8.45 am – 3.20 pm (All pupils in school – full timetable)

Please be aware that the early closures are because the canteen and dedicated school buses are not available to us as a Controlled school until 1st September.

Return to School Information

As I write, school leaders have still not received full guidance from the Department of Education regarding return to school protocols. At present, we are assuming the following: Years 8-10 will no longer be taught in bubbles; Years 11 and 12 remain on full timetable; Years 13 and 14 will now be expected to be in school from 8.45 am until 3.20pm.

It is still mandatory for all post-primary pupils to wear masks on school buses and public transport unless exempt.

Please note that we will be wearing masks in class and in corridors when in school for an initial period; if you do not wish for your child to wear a face covering, please contact us. The one way systems will continue.

Lateral flow tests were made available to all pupils and members of staff at the end of last year. I will contact you with information about the use of LFTs when I receive it. Please note that at no time will such testing be compulsory in school.

Please remind pupils that they have a responsibility for helping control the spread of the virus, and so should always wipe down desks and wash hands regularly.


With the easing of restrictions, we are expecting that full school uniform be worn, except on days on which pupils are timetabled for curricular PE or Games as changing facilities are not in use. Please take note of the following key points:

  • A blazer must be worn both to and from school and in class unless permission is given to remove it.
  • If a cold or wet day, or wearing PE kit to school, a regulation school jacket or school puffa jacket may be worn over the blazer or hoody, and removed when in school. No other jackets or fleeces are permissible.
  • School shoes must be plain black leather with flat heels.
  • No more than one plain stud earring may be worn in each ear. No other ear or facial piercings are permissible.
  • False nails, false eyelashes and unnaturally coloured hair must be removed or washed out before return to school.
  • When wearing PE kit, pupils have the option of wearing plain black Kukri leggings, Kukri leggings with blue trim or the green school tracksuit bottoms. Other brands of leggings are not allowed.
  • When wearing PE kit to and from school, only PE hoodies should be worn. Other hoodies, including those issued by organisations within school, should not be worn.

As a school that aspires to “Excellence in a Caring Community”, our reputation is extremely important to us and so we thank you for your support in ensuring that our pupils wear the uniform correctly and consistently, and conduct themselves with courtesy and respect for others, when representing the school at all times.

Mobile Phones

In keeping with our policy, pupils should not be using mobile phones in school unless with the permission of, and under the supervision of, a member of staff. If a pupil needs to contact you, they may do so at reception with permission. We will always contact you directly when necessary.

Mental Health

There has been much coverage of the impact on lockdown on young people in the media. It will be natural if your child feels anxious about the return to school. EA has developed a resource for parents to help support children, which can be found here: Should you have serious concerns, please contact the form teacher who can then ensure that the appropriate member of staff knows. We will be continuing with our weekly counselling sessions facilitated by Familyworks, and using outside agencies to address issues directly with form classes and year groups.


Thank you for your messages of support to the staff over the last year. We are a diverse community of classroom assistants, office managers, cleaners, caretaker, technicians, other support staff and, of course, teachers. What they all share is a love for Bloomfield and a desire to make it the best school possible. I look forward to sharing that journey with you as we embark on a new school year.

Take care

principal's signature

Mr Greer

G Greer



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