Dear Parent / Guardian
Whole School Covid 19 Update
As I am sure you are only too aware, things have been quite busy over the last two weeks. We are recording positive cases of Covid-19 on a daily basis, with much of our time being spent in track and trace protocols.
I want to reassure you regarding two matters:
- We continue to follow guidance as provided by the PHA and EA. Close contacts are notified as soon as possible, EA Clean is contacted when relevant, and the now normal in-house protocols such as one-way systems and seating plans continue to be followed. The Senior Leadership Team is meeting to assess our response to Covid-19 on a regular basis. Feedback and suggestions have been received from both parents and pupils; we are listening to your concerns and will continue to be flexible in our approach.
- The high-quality education of all remains a priority. We believe that pupils should be in school, and will only ask pupils to work from home in exceptional circumstances. If a year group is asked to work remotely, registration will be held online and pupils instructed to follow their timetable under the direction of teachers. Also, pastoral care continues to be of the highest importance.

School Fund
We are very grateful to the parents who have helped the school financially over the years as these voluntary contributions have had a very positive impact on the pupils’ education. The additional income has enabled the School to provide, for example, interactive white boards, athletics facilities, sports coaches, extra-curricular activities and additional resources, and goes directly into improving the teaching and learning facilities across the School.
In order to continue to provide and improve upon this level of service, the Board of Governors has agreed that the School Fund will be £150 per pupil per annum. This sum can be paid in the following ways:
- One payment of £150 in September 2021
- Payments of any amount spread over each term, showing a reducing balance. Minimum payment £15.00
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are now not accepting any cash or cheques into Bloomfield Collegiate School. All parents should have received activation letters for ParentPay. Please contact Amanda Craig in Finance Office ( if you have been unable to set up an account.
Any parent who has already set up a monthly standing order for £12.50, from their own bank directly to our School Funds, may continue to pay in this way. All other pupils will have £150 added to their ParentPay account. All payments are on a voluntary basis. If you do not wish to contribute to School Fund, or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Amanda Craig in the Finance Office. Email address
Contactless Canteen Payments
We have now installed an additional feature to our canteen facilities. In order to minimise the possible spread of Covid-19, contactless cards have been provided to all pupils. This replaces the use of fingerprints or PIN code for the payment of meals. Pupils should be careful and look after these cards. Lost cards must be reported immediately to the Finance office. Replacement cards are available at a cost of £1.00 through ParentPay (see above). Please remember to adjust the settings to give alerts for any new payments or messages. These can be set to receive a text or email.
Sixth Form Attendance
SLT met yesterday to discuss our provision for Years 13 and 14 in the current climate. We are aware that there are concerns regarding rooming when not in class. We share those concerns; from today, pupils can sign-out from school and go home after their final class. We hope to roll out a more flexible approach for Sixth Formers with free periods next week. Attendance at registration will continue to be compulsory. Please note that this flexibility will be reviewed in tandem with academic performance, and the privilege may be removed from individuals who are not using their time wisely.

Mr Greer
G Greer