
Letter to Parents (04/06/21)

Bloomfield Collegiate School Image

Dear Parent/Guardian


The internal grading process is almost complete. This has involved teachers gathering evidence from  a range of sources to allow grades to be awarded. The raw marks from the April/May assessment series are now available. Pupils in Years 12 to 14 who wish to receive those marks should contact teachers directly by email within school hours. Pupils in Year 13 can ask their teachers for marks when in class from Tuesday 8th June. No requests for marks will be allowed after Friday 18th June.

Please note that these marks do not correlate to grades. The grades that will be issued in August include other marks and will have been standardised and moderated. This could mean low marks producing a high grade and vice versa. Pupils should not try to equate a score with a grade. Papers cannot be returned and class/year averages will not be issued. As per guidance, teachers have been  instructed not to discuss possible grades with pupils. Pupils do not have to ask for marks should they not wish. Details of an appeals process will be published at a later date and when finalised by the awarding authorities.

End of Term

Events have been arranged to mark the end of term for pupils in Years 12 and 14. Please make a note of dates/times. Further details will be forwarded soon.

Year 12: Tuesday 22nd June 1pm – 3pm
Year 14: Friday 25th June 1pm – 3pm

Year 13 will return to school on Tuesday 8th June. Teaching will recommence, with some subjects covering aspects of AS needed for A2, others commencing A2 study. The UCAS process will also be launched in school. Full attendance is essential.


Our School Library currently has approximately £4000 worth of books unreturned. We also need text books to allow teaching to begin next year. Anyone with texts not required for Year 14 study or library books should return them as soon as possible to avoid bills being issued.

Lastly, one of the biggest fundraisers for Friends of Bloomfield is our Recycled Uniform sale. If you have any unwanted items of uniform, still in good condition, please drop them off at Reception.

Take care.

principal's signature

Mr Greer

G Greer


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