
Development Proposal 643

The Neill Buidling

11 November 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian, Member of Staff, Governor

Development Proposal No 643 – Bloomfield Collegiate

On 13 March 2020, the Education Authority began the pre-publication consultation process in relation to the undernoted proposal in accordance with Article 14 of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986:

Bloomfield Collegiate will increase its admissions number from 100 to 110, with an annual phased increase in the enrolment number from 710 to 770, with effect from 1 September 2021, or as soon as possible thereafter.

However, as all non-business critical services, including Area Planning, had been stood down temporarily in light of Covid-19, the Education Authority suspended this pre-publication consultation.  Approval has now been given to resume area planning and the pre-publication consultation on the above Development Proposal will now re-start and run for a full 8 weeks.  All written responses already received to this consultation have been held on file and carried forward.

Under the above legislation, the Education Authority is seeking the views/comments from the parents/guardians, staff and governors on the above Development Proposal.

A consultation document and the rationale for taking forward the Development Proposal can be accessed on the Education Authority’s website by following the link:

The Education Authority welcomes your participation in the consultation process and would encourage you to make a response via the online response form:

Online PrePublication Response Form

Responses can also be submitted by email to  The Authority will also consider all written responses received during the consultation process addressed to:  Area Planning, Education

Authority, 17 Lough Road, Antrim, BT41 4DH.   All responses to be received no later than Wednesday 20 January 2021.

Please note that any letters of objection or support may be published on the Department of Education’s website, with appropriate redactions, if they are included in full in the submission on which the outcome of the proposal is decided.   Comments on the proposal will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely

Stephen Martin

Area Planning Officer

Area Plan for Post-Primary Education

View the Pre-Publication Consultation document.


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