
School News (03/01/22)

The Neill Buidling

I hope that you have had a good Christmas and peaceful New Year. We are looking forward to another busy term, with staff already in school, and information for your attention follows.

Dates for your Diary

dates for your diary

Year 12 Parental Consultation

Appointment bookings for our Year 12 Parental Consultation will go live on Thursday 5th January at 10am. As noted in the email from Mrs Barrett before Christmas, these will be held over School Cloud, with a maximum of five slots available. Please ensure that you prioritise subjects in which you have most concern regarding your child’s progress.

End of Term Events

The last few weeks of the Christmas term were exceptionally busy for pupils and teachers alike. It was great to see the school come to vibrant life in a way that we have missed over the last few years. Thanks to all who were involved in organising, facilitating and participating in the Ski Trip, the Carol Service, the Breakfast Club, the Christmas Card Competition, the Languages Winter Market and the House events competition. Pictures from these events and more will be found on our news section of the website soon.

Staffing News

You will, no doubt, have heard that our Vice-Principal, Dr Caroline Greer, is leaving us to take up the post of Principal of Movilla High School in Newtownards.

In over 11 years as a Curriculum Vice-Principal in Bloomfield Collegiate, she led Heads of Department, introduced successful parental information evenings, was meticulous in her planning of internal and AQE examinations, and line-managed key roles, including Timetabler, Examinations Officer and Learning Support Coordinator. She has also led collaboration with other schools in the local area.

Beyond the classroom, Dr Greer was instrumental in the establishment of what has become one of the largest CCF contingents in Northern Ireland. She has encouraged and enabled a range of pupil activities, particularly related to STEM, and has won awards for her role in promoting science education.

However, it is her love of teaching that sets her apart. Dr Greer’s prime interest is in pedagogy, particularly the use of research to inform school improvement, in which she has led training both in school and externally. She has demonstrated huge commitment to her role and to Bloomfield Collegiate; she will be missed by staff and pupils alike. We congratulate her on her promotion and wish her and Movilla every success as they begin their journey together.

Potential Recruitment

In keeping with many Controlled Schools, we are finding difficulties in attracting candidates for a range of non-teaching roles. We currently require a part-time Caretaker, primarily to lock up the school in the evenings. We also regularly seek cover for Classroom Assistants, Supervisors and Administration Assistants. If you would like to add your name to a list of possible contacts, please email with brief details of experience and areas of interest.

Sad News

Finally, some of you may be aware of the sudden passing of our ex-pupil, Beth McCabe, before Christmas. Beth left us in August 2018, at the end of Year 12. Our deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers are with the McCabe family and Beth’s circle of friends at this time.

principal's signature

Mr Greer


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