
Sixth Form Enrolment 2024

sixth form study area

The majority of our students continue to Advanced Level and follow a two-year programme (Years 13 & 14), selecting three or four A Level subjects from a wide range of options. Our Sixth Form also attracts pupils from other schools who wish to avail of the high-quality educational and co-curricular experience we offer. If you would like to join Bloomfield for A Levels, please contact the school.

We have a dedicated team of Careers staff to help students make the most informed choices about which selection of subjects suit their talents so they can fulfil their ambitions. Provision at this level is supported through collaboration with neighbouring schools in the East Belfast Area Learning Community, enabling students to access other accredited courses.

Our combination of an effective curriculum tailored to the needs of all pupils, carefully focused support and an impressive range of enrichment activities enables us to meet our key aim: “Excellence in a Caring Community”. We are proud to see our pupils leave Bloomfield as articulate, confident and resourceful young people, ready to make their impact upon the world.

Criteria for entry into Year 13

Internal Admissions to Bloomfield Collegiate School


1.1 This section applies to Bloomfield Collegiate School Year 12 pupils only.

1.2 Pupils must notify the School as soon as possible upon the publication of the GCSE results to advise if it is their intention to return to Year 13.

1.3 Pupils must study a minimum of 3 AS subjects or equivalent. For any subject they wish to study, pupils will normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade B in GCSE, except where prior study is not a prerequisite. This includes subjects only offered at AS level. (Please refer to the Subject Choice Booklet for specific subject entry requirements).


2.1 The following criterion will be used to determine admission of Year 12 pupils into Year 13.

 2.2 Pupils who obtain at least 11 points in their GCSE examinations. For the purpose of calculating an applicant’s score, grade A* = 4 points, A = 3 points, grade B= 2 points, C* = 1.5 points and grade C = 1 point. Short course GCSEs will be counted as half the points. Pupils who achieve fewer than 17 points will study 3 AS subjects, pupils who achieve 17 to 20 points are strongly advised to study 3 AS subjects and pupils who achieve 21 or more points can choose to study 4 AS subjects.

 2.3 If the number of applications exceeds the number of available places, then the following criteria shall apply in the order stated:

(i) Places will be allocated in strict rank order of the applicant’s GCSE scores as defined above, those achieving higher scores being allocated places before those with lower scores.

 (ii) If more than one applicant is eligible for the final place priority will be given to the applicant whose home is closer to the school. (Distance will be measured in a straight line using an Ordnance Survey web distance measurement tool from the candidate’s normal home address to the School’s front gate).


3.1 Where the performance of a pupil in her GCSE examinations has been affected by verifiably serious and sustained illness or any other verifiable reason deemed, in the opinion of the Principal, exceptional and beyond the control of the pupil concerned, the School may admit the pupil to Year 13 on the basis of a reduced tariff or offer a place to repeat Year 12, if more appropriate.

External Admissions to Bloomfield Collegiate School


1.1 This section applies to all pupils who are not currently enrolled in Year 12 in Bloomfield Collegiate School.

1.2 Those wishing to be considered for a place must complete an application form, available from the School, and return it to the Principal before the publication of the GCSE results or, at latest, by 11 am on the day following the issuing of GCSE results. Applications received after this time will only be considered if there are places available. Acceptance of a place must be received by 1pm on the next working day after subject choices are confirmed by staff.

1.3 For external pupils, following publication of the GCSE results the School should be contacted promptly and notified of the GCSE results and Applicants who meet criterion 2.8 will be invited for an interview to discuss potential subject options and a career path.

1.4 Pupils must study a minimum of 3 AS or equivalent subjects. For any subject they wish to take to study, pupils will normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade B in GCSE, except where prior study is not a prerequisite. In other cases, additional criteria may be required as published in the Year 12 Choices handbook.

1.5 Pupils in Years 13 and 14 may normally only study one subject in another school in collaboration with that school.


2.1 In order to be considered for a place in Year 13, the following conditions must be fully met:

2.2 The School’s Admission number has not been met.

2.3 There is availability of places in Year 13, and in classes selected for study.

2.4 Pupils must obtain a minimum of 11 points at GCSE (or equivalent).

2.5 The Principal must be satisfied as to the pupil’s past school record and achievement, including attendance, behaviour and punctuality. A satisfactory attendance rate would be 90% or greater.

2.6 The following criteria will be applied to determine the admission of pupils into Year 13. The Board of Governors reserve the right to amend the criteria listed below for pupils who undertook GCSE studies at Bloomfield Collegiate School.

2.7 Bloomfield Collegiate pupils who meet the criteria under Internal Admissions will be offered a place first.

2.8 Pupils who obtain at least 11 points in their GCSE examinations. For the purpose of calculating an applicant’s score, grade A* = 4 points, A = 3 points, grade B= 2 points, C* = 1.5 points and grade C = 1 point. Short course GCSEs will be counted as half the points. Pupils who achieve fewer than 17 points will study 3 AS subjects, pupils who achieve 17 to 20 points are strongly advised to study 3 AS subjects and pupils who achieve 21 or more points can choose to study 4 AS subjects.

2.9 If the number of applications exceeds the number of available places, then the following criteria shall apply:

(i) An applicant who meets criterion 2.8 with a child of the family currently attending Bloomfield Collegiate School.

(ii) If, after criterion 2.9(i) has been applied, there are a number of applicants who have equal claim to the remaining places then those places will be allocated in strict rank order of the applicant’s GCSE scores as defined above, those achieving higher scores being allocated places before those with lower scores.

(iii) If more than one applicant is eligible for the final place priority will be given to the applicant whose home is closer to the school. (Distance will be measured in a straight line using an Ordnance Survey web distance measurement tool from the candidate’s normal home address to the School’s front gate).

(The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application form)

Criteria for all extra places made available by the Department of Education for admission into Year 13 (Sixth Form)

The Department of Education may, in response to a request from a school, increase the number of pupils the school can admit to Year 13. Places that become available in this way shall be allocated only to pupils who meet the basic eligibility criteria for sixth form (as above) and shall be allocated in the order determined by the criteria to be applied in the order set down.

  1. Pupils who have most recently completed Year 12 in Bloomfield Collegiate School.
  2. Pupils from other schools where admission has been agreed and additional places granted by the Department of Education. *

*Parents should note how the Department of Education (DE) will, in response to a school’s request, temporarily increase the school’s enrolment number in order to allow extra post-16 pupils to enrol. DE will only increase the school’s enrolment number if it is content that each external pupil for whom a place is requested would not be able to pursue their post-16 course-choices at a suitable school without undertaking an unreasonable journey (i.e. a journey, that by public transport, would be over an hour from where the young person lives, or is further than 15 miles distance). If DE finds that no other suitable school may provide all of the post-16 courses that the pupil wishes to pursue – then DE will agree a school’s request for an extra place.

Further Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the school by clicking on the following button:


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