AchievementsArt in BloomfieldExtra-curricular

Christmas Card Competition Winners

Christmas Card Competition

Congratulations to Leah M in Year 9 who has won our annual Christmas card competition. Her portrait of Santa Claus is incredibly detailed and beautiful.

Leah said: “Despite the picture looking realistic, my inspiration was actually a cartoon version of Santa. I used charcoal for the background and the darker shadows of the character, but I used 4B pencils for the detail. Whenever Mrs McFerran announced the winner, I was shocked and delighted. I’m really pleased with the picture, especially the way the eyes seem to look directly at you.” 

The Winning Entry

Awarded 2nd place, we would like to congratulate Naomi F (Y11) for her entry:

Christmas Card Competition
2nd Place

Harriet O’C achieved third place:

Christmas Card Competition
3rd Place

The following entries are also highly commended:

Christmas Card Competition winner
The Winner!

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