Principal and pupils

Principal’s Welcome

Bloomfield Collegiate School’s vision is ‘excellence in a caring community’. Whatever our pupils aspire to be, we are here to support them in all of their exciting endeavours.

Situated in the heart of the thriving Ballyhackamore area of East Belfast, academic success remains a top priority and high expectations are set. The pupils understand the tremendous value of hard work and how they can take charge of all aspects of their education.

At Bloomfield Collegiate School, each and every girl has the chance to develop a talent, discover a passion or simply find pleasure in doing an activity with others. There is also strong emphasis on extended curricular provision so pupils have opportunities to enrich their interest in their favourite subjects.

Bloomfield Collegiate School
Bloomfield Collegiate School

One of our undoubted strengths underpinning our results is our pastoral care provision. Through the Heads of Year, form tutors, a well-developed mentoring programme lead by senior students, a traditional house system, School Council and a close working relationship between the academic and pastoral structures in the school, we strive to create the personalised care, guidance and support every girl needs to achieve their ambitions.

An extensive programme of extracurricular activities takes place throughout Bloomfield. Competitive sport and dance teams, music, drama, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Young Enterprise, Combined Cadets Force, and our Scripture Union are part of daily life in the school.

Encouraging young people to explore a wide variety of opportunities will equip them with the skills, confidence and aspirations to broaden their horizons and develop their independence.

This combination of an effective traditional curriculum, tailored to the needs of all students, carefully focused support and an extensive range of enrichment activities enables us to deliver our key aim: “Excellence in a Caring Community”. We are proud to see our pupils leave Bloomfield as articulate, confident and resourceful young people, ready to embrace the future with enthusiasm and to make their impact upon Northern Ireland and beyond.

principal's signature

Mr Greer

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors has an important strategic role to play in the management of the school, aiming to raise expectations of what can be achieved by all pupils and strengthen the involvement of parents and the community.

principal with pupils

Our Aim

Excellence in Caring Community.

Staff Information

All our staff play an important role in creating a safe and supportive learning environment. In addition to the specialist subject teacher in each classroom, there are many other staff who make an effective contribution to the life of the school. From administrative and management roles, helping with the smooth running of the school, to the expert technical staff, everyone strives to make sure a pupil has the best opportunity to reach their full potential.

the chemistry experiment

School History

Mrs Curran and prefects